If you took yourself back in time, what advice would you give your younger self? We talk to Tando and Margaret Matanda, Co-Founders of Musa Ventures; Shirli Kirschner, Co-Founder and COA of Elker; Zach and Rebecca Zeus, Co-CEOs of BizCubed and Lissy Abrahams, Psychotherapist & Author. Our Game Changers happily share their life insights and wisdom to their younger selves.
Our Game Changers reveal “What would you tell your younger self?”
Lissy Abrahams – Psychotherapist
I would say, life is so precious. Do not waste a second doubting your self-worth!

Rebecca Zeus – BizCubed
To go easy on yourself.

Shirli Kirschner – Elker
It’s okay to be different. Complexity is actually an asset, no matter what anyone else tells you.

Margaret Matanda – Musa Ventures
It’s about enjoying the journey. Stop and look around and have a little fun.

Zach Zeus – BizCubed
Be comfortable with yourself and take your time to do things well; the world will move in a way that is different than you expect.

Tando Matanda – Musa Ventures
You have to savour all those moments.