Our entrepreneurs who participated in the latest series of Game Changers were asked a simple question. What are the secret ingredients for a successful business?
Darren Stephens, author, coach, business strategist, marketing guru, master hypnotist and real estate investor who is CEO of consulting business Successful Growth Strategies, shared his insights on the back of his long history of success as an entrepreneur.
“The successful ingredients to a business is having a great hook, story and a great offer,” says Darren Stephens.
“Find out what people really want, and give it to them.”

Damien Boehm, the founder and CEO of Australia’s second biggest locally owned commercial cleaning brand Urban Clean, echoed this sentiment.
“It’s all about engaging with your customers, engaging with the marketplace, engaging with your team,” explains Damien Boehm.
“When your orientation and your mindset is about others, then that’s when great things happen for you and your business.”